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snippet: Relative measure of duration of stay in 25x25 km grid cells of a little auk (ID 6327; male) from the Ukarleqarteq breeding colony during a full non-breeding season of GLS tracking. The duration of stay in each cell is calculated as the number of GLS positions intersecting the cell, taking into account modelled uncertainties of the positions. Duration of stay is show on a 5% percentile scale, highlighing areas of highest residency (staging areas).
summary: Relative measure of duration of stay in 25x25 km grid cells of a little auk (ID 6327; male) from the Ukarleqarteq breeding colony during a full non-breeding season of GLS tracking. The duration of stay in each cell is calculated as the number of GLS positions intersecting the cell, taking into account modelled uncertainties of the positions. Duration of stay is show on a 5% percentile scale, highlighing areas of highest residency (staging areas).
extent: [[-117.931718865284,38.4529921031983],[32.9186269793211,85.2898475952443]]
accessInformation: DCE - Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, Aarhus University; Greenland Institute of Natural Resources; Environment Agency for Mineral Resources Activities, Greenland Government; Littoral, Environment and Societé (LIENSs); University of Montpellier; Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionelle Evolutive (CEFE)
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Relative measure of duration of stay in 25x25 km grid cells of a little auk (ID 6327; male) from the Ukarleqarteq breeding colony during a full non-breeding season of GLS tracking. The duration of stay in each cell is calculated as the number of GLS positions intersecting the cell, taking into account modelled uncertainties of the positions. Duration of stay is show on a 5% percentile scale, highlighing areas of highest residency (staging areas).
licenseInfo: Cite: Mosbech, A., Fort, J., Clairbaux, M. Grémillet, D, & Johansen, K. L. 2020: Little auk ecology and key habitats in the assessment area. In Boertmann, D., Blockley, D. & Mosbech, A. 2020 (eds): Greenland Sea - An updated strategic Environmental Impact Assessment of petroleum activities. Scientific Report from DCE – Danish Centre for Environment and Energy No. 375.
title: Map
type: Map Service
tags: ["little","auk","movement","geolocator","GLS","migration","staging"]
culture: da-DK
name: Box38fig1Littleauk6327residency
guid: E4F8BA62-15E2-46F8-89F2-D0EABDDF4352
minScale: 0
spatialReference: North Pole Stereographic_1